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Prabhjot Singh

Student, B.Tech.'24




About Me

I am currently pursuing Bachelors in Engineering from Chandigarh University, and my graduation year is 2024.

I am keenly interested in web development and currently learning it, along with that I am also learning Data Structures and Algorithms and have been practising it consistently from past 6 months on various problem solving platforms.

I have made few Open-Source Contributions too in order to enhance my skills, and have a knowledge of handling large-scale codes after reading it thoroughly.

  1. Added a contribution guidelines page to the QuickLearn, for helping the beginners with github to             make their first conribution. PR#28 (made using Bootstrap and simple HTML and CSS)

  2. Added .cif files of certain salts, as they were missing in the OpenChemisrt/crystals. PR#1 and                 PR#3

  3. Also made few other small contributions, in open source projects, either to resolve certain issues,           bugs or to add a few more features to the project.

You can have a look at my profiles on different coding platforms:

  1. Codeforces (1450+ Questions Solved - Expert)

  2. Codechef (150+ Questions Solved - 5* Coder)

  3. Leetcode (800+ Questions Solved - 1950+ Rating)

  4. GeeksForGeeks (700+ Questions Solved - Institute Rank under 5 out of 6000+ registered students)